Monday, June 8, 2020

How to create a Niche Website 2020

The year 2020 has brought a number of challenges. Some say it shouldn't even be counted as a year due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Across the world, people have spend a good part of the year in lock down. Even those that are not on lock-down have been brought to their knees by the economic challenges that the globe has been facing. So, what do you do to survive in these troubled times? Well, one way of surviving is by creating niche websites. You know what they are always saying about making money online? As it turns out, that's not just a statement by people who are looking to milk you out of your hard earned cash.

You can actually make a living online and niche websites are one way of doing it.

What is a niche websites?

Most websites that are out there are general in nature. They talk about a wide range of topics and monetization is via a wide range of ways. Niche websites, on the other hand, focus on a particular topic. Focus is on that narrow area and there is not much deviation.

A few examples

Let us give a few examples of niche websites here. The first example is that of a website called Headphones Jack. This website's main focus is on headphones. You may think that that's a rather narrow field to focus on but there is actually no end to the number of topics that can be created on these blogs. As an example, this site has an article focusing on the Best Cheap Wireless Headphones for Running. The owners of this site obviously first carried out research and determined that this particular long tail keyword is one that has not been covered by other bloggers. So, it's an area that's fertile for the picking. A site that covers headphones can conceivably go on to talk about other audio equipment, so there is really no worry about running out of topics to talk about.

Another example of a niche website is Best E Ink Reader. This site focuses solely on e readers. One example of a topic that's on there is the best e ink reader article. Again, the owners probably carried out keyword research and determined that this particular keyword was not flooded. The keyword that you end up focusing on for your niche website does not have to have that many searches. If you focus on a keyword that gets 500 visitors per month, that translates to 30 visitors per day. If you site is really focused, you can make lots of money from these visitors. And that's just for one keyword.

How do these sites monetize?

So, how do you monetize the 2 sites in our example. As it turns out, these sites actually monetize using Amazon Associates. If you don't know what that is, Amazon Associates is an affiliate marketing program run by Amazon. Once you have signed up, you can market any of the products that are on Amazon. The niche websites in our example are specifically geared to market specific products. This could be headphones of e readers. So, each time someone lands on these pages, chances are high that they wish to buy something. So, chances are also very high that the owner of the site will earn something.

It's all about passive income

So, the goal here is to create passive income. You want to set up something that allows you to earn money passively. Times are hard, and everyone is looking to supplement their income. 

Other useful tips

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